Don’t Rush Me Life








Don’t rush me life,


Let me chew the harder parts,

Savour every bite of difficulty.

Let me take my socks off slowly

To feel the freedom of my toes.

Give me dawns, in pink and

Dove grey skies in cold wind,

And let me look and imprint

Upon my memory colours,

Let me paint with each stroke,

A day as if it were a canvas,

Choosing tones to reflect

My mood and purpose;

Remembering the brush strokes

This way and that,

Conscious of every second passing,

Like stags in a snow filled forest

Under star and moonlight.


Don’t rush me life.


And when I work a horse,

May its beauty be sublime,

And cast an imprint on my mind

Etched deep and fine

Upon my day, for those strides,

That beauty, that neck,

Bending in joy and goodwill,

Is who I am and ever will be.

May I touch that coat and

Run my hand across its flank,

And feel the power of every muscle

Ripple like the sea.

For gifts are all around us

Everywhere in niches hidden,

Unless we look hard and

Work at life and slow it down,

We will not give it purpose,

Space and time and love.


Don’t rush me life.