
This collection of poems is inspired by life and living and experience, and the things that happen around me prompting words to fall effortlessly on the page. Poems are formed and inspired by insight, expression and are full of allegory, metaphor and rhyme. Although they don’t have to rhyme.

Poetry is an important part of literary experience. Poems should synchronise rhythm, description and literary excellence in a succinct and meaningful way. We can paint delicate pictures of the absurd, the funny, the magical and the emotional. Poems can provide the reader, and of course the writer, to be moved into places that were previously hidden from view.

The poems cover many topics, far too many to place without order. Hence, I have put them in categories to help sort your mind. You can find the categories on the menu under Poetry. If you would like to see the complete list of poems in no particular order, simply click on All Poems.
