Give me the wind in my face again And the cold and stinging rain A saddle of leather properly made And a horse to keep me sane Give me a mane black and free, And ears to be
Read more ...Don’t Rush Me Life

Don’t rush me life, Let me chew the harder parts, Savour every bite of difficulty. Let me take my socks off slowly To feel the freedom of my toes. Give me dawns,
Read more ...SONNETS 1 to 7
Sonnet 1 This day of frost and fire this Valentine Beckons us to venture forth to meet the sun And hurl smiles for all the world to shine, Yet all the world is grey its course has run, As
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Sonnet 1 This day of frost and fire this Valentine Beckons us to venture forth to meet the sun And hurl smiles for all the world to shine, Yet all the world is grey its course has run, As
Read more ...It’s time to go down

It’s time to go down to the one tree hill To the place of apples and the brandy still, To the silent hill which will now awake With children and laughter and Arthur’s cakes, To the stream of people who
Read more ...I don’t want to grow old.
I don’t want to grow old in a mirror, Or in the bright light of company, I don’t want to be pitied like an old dog Patted and put to bed.
Read more ...Welcome
Blackness and the seeping gloom Of winters nights, of fearsome storm, Cold that to the bone doth cling And wet that doth our courage wring A biting wind, a deepening cold Bend our back and make us old. A dream
Read more ...Ghost Riders

A wilderness of wildest grass Sweeping like waves across a sea, As green as time, as fresh as dawn, The wind that cuts us drives us on There is that sound that sweet refrain It’s in my heart it’s in
Read more ...Entre Chien et Loup

Bright is the portal of our memory, Which like the sun lights up our life. All the constellations are our friends Without whom life would be intolerable, And in that light of memory we bathe Enhancing every passing day Hope
Read more ...Black Velvet Night
Black velvet night, and cold steel days, Sprinkled with stars, whipped by wind, Which curls the leaves as they fall, Turning our lush green into grey. Into the underworld the sun. Doors of light are closing now, And lives flutter
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